The ERRN Conferences provide a platform for both academics and practitioners to discuss issues relating to the design and implementation of risk management and internal control systems and related issues. The primary aim of the conference series is to educate and train new researchers in the area of risk management and internal control and provide a platform for engagement between practioners and academics. A doctoral colloquium and the opportunity to present full conference papers for early career researchers form core elements of this training.
In order to encourage interaction between academics and practitioners, the conferences combine parallel sessions in which academic research papers are presented and discussed, with an afternoon devoted to a Business Risk Forum. The forum aims to stimulate the debate on risk management, internal control and corporate governance involving business managers, auditors and regulators. To support young researchers, the Conferences are always accompanied by Doctoral Colloquia with the best paper award.
11th European Risk Conference
„Risk Management Challenges in Times of Change”
11th – 12th September 2025