10th European Risk Conference
„Global Risk Challenges”
28th – 29th September 2023
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Centro Polifunzionale Studenti
p.zza C. Battisti 1

Keynote speakers

Annalisa Prencipe is Professor at Bocconi University (Italy) where she holds the KPMG Chair in Accounting. Annalisa is past President of the European Accounting Association (2021-2023) and member of the Bocconi University Board. She is internationally known for her research on financial and non-financial reporting, disclosure, corporate governance, family and private firms.

Charl de Villiers is Professor of Accounting at the University of Auckland (New Zealand). He is internationally known for his Sustainability Accounting and Integrated Reporting research and expertise. Charl is also an adjunct professor at the University of Cape Town, University of Pretoria, and editor in Chief of Meditari Accountancy Research.

Don Pagach is Professor of Accounting and Director of Research for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative at North Carolina State University (USA). He is a world leader in the area of risk management and forecasting. He has conducted extensive academic research that examines characteristics of organizations that implement enterprise risk management and how investors in the marketplace value the embrace by organizations of ERM processes.